GOBI just released a new article regarding there quest on finding the best quality for one of the most durable sunglasses made over time. Set yourself a coup of coffee and take a moment to read this awesome quest by the two men behind the Amsterdam based sunglass brand.
In the course of 2019, GOBI decided to look for a new collaboration to produce their sunglasses. They were introduced to Frankie, the owner of a Chinese factory, untraceable on the World Wide Web.
Frankie’s Garden
Frankie is a man who chooses his business partners carefully, only after meeting them first. He wanted to know everything about GOBI, to find out if the boys shared the same thoughts about quality and creating an own identity.
GOBI also had questions for him. And honestly, they hesitated a bit to ask them. Considering the fact that GOBI's impact on social justice and environment occurs mostly at the factory, they needed to know everything about its conditions.
Luckily Frankie was keen to show them his factory. “My factory is like a garden”, he told the boys, when they entered. “The materials, the tools, the sunglasses we produce: we tend to them with the same care required for plants.”
Next to GOBI's visit, they developed a questioner about labour circumstances, asked for external reports and labour contracts. Together they draw a picture that makes GOBI say: we have a collaboration going on with high standards on social justice.
95 percent of the employees live in the surroundings. In this way Frankie provides work for different generations. He treats them well. (In GOBI's sustainability report they can provide you more detailed information)
2021 goals
The coming year GOBI will start a dialogue about environmental impact. A theme that doesn’t scares Frankie. He already reduces the impact of his factory. A filter system makes sure the water is clean, before running to nature. Team GOBI is excited to find out how they can reduce there ecological footprint in 2021 further more...
Bekijk GOBI's 2020 collectie via deze link